We are all aware of our ever increasing need to ensure that everything we do is sustainable and kind to the environment. Schools must adapt techniques and environmental policies in order to help lead the transition to a low carbon economy and by implementing more meaningful learning from outside classroom experiences, this will lead to the development of more positive and inclusive attitudes to learning. As a business therefore, we have implemented the following initiatives:
- Our products are very much designed with the emphasis on teaching children about the environment and feature extensively eco features such as sedum roofs, wind turbines, solar panels, water butts and planters
- The timber we use is FSC accredited which ensures that it is harvested only from sustainable sources
- Timber is the most sustainable building material available, benefiting from low embedded energy. This means using materials that are closest to their natural state. Timber can also be re-used or reduced to wood chip for other building products
- Our HDPE panels are fully recyclable
- Our buildings are fully insulated throughout thereby enhancing thermal efficiencies and reducing energy waste
- Clean energy created by air and ground source heat pumps
- Our Soft bond product is made from 100% recyclable rubber
- All timber off cuts and production waste is recycled
- Where applicable we use low energy lighting and ozone friendly materials
Did you know?
Schools currently represent approximately 15% of public sector greenhouse gas emissions and 2% of the UK total with five million tonnes of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere each year. Another five million tonnes is attributed to the school run and the manufacture of school equipment and consumables.
Organisations and Agencies
There are some excellent organisations in the UK who work to promote environmental education and to further its causes. Some of these can be found below with their website links:
The UK National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE) – www.naee.org.uk